Q: Who is your favorite football player and/or team?
A: My favorite football player is Julian Edelman and my favorite football team is the Patriots.
Q: What is the biggest challenge you have faced on the football field and how did you overcome it?
A: The biggest challenge I have faced on the football field is validation. I used to struggle with feeling good enough to be on the field with the guys. There are times when the game is finished, and some boys just don’t high five me or say good game. That feeling is never good. Throughout my 12 years of playing this wonderful sport, I have learned that the reason people do those things are because they are jealous of you. If you are on the field, then you are out there for a reason. You have worked just as hard, if not harder to get to the point where you are starting and playing over others. I always have to remember that there will be negative thins said or done but the positive out ways the negative. Your team will always have your back no matter what. I will forever have so many brothers that I can go to whenever I need something, and your brothers will do the exact same thing for you.
Q: What advice would you give a new player that you have learned from your experience playing football?
A: The advice I would give to a new football player is to just go for it. The quote that I have always lived by is “Believe in yourself and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe with you”. This quote is one of the more important things to remember because, as long as you are doing what you love and believing in yourself there will be a time where others will see how bright you shine and believe in you too. Being a part of a football team is much bigger than just winning. You learn what it is like to work together and have trust in not only yourself but in your teammates. You feel more motivated and empowered to achieve certain goals. Football is a safe space, and it is a chance to let go of all your troubles and feel free. If you are thinking about playing football, just try out because, I promise you, you won’t regret taking a leap of faith. You never want to grow up and wonder what if?