2025 Mayhem Sponsorship Levels
We offer the following sponsorship packages
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Game Day Advertising
(1) A banner with your business name, logo and contact information will be displayed at all home games. Sponsors may opt to provide their own custom banner.
(2) Your business name will be announced during each home game based on the schedule above.
(3) The stadium announcer will read a short, customized advertisement 2 to 4 times per game based on the schedule above.
Ongoing Advertising
Your support is essential to our success, so we want to make sure you are well represented through our various media platforms.
(4) We will list your business name, logo and link to your website and/or Facebook page on the Mayhem Website.
(5) We currently have over 7000 followers and are continuing to grow. Your business will receive mentions in our social media posts as follows:
During our season, our standard weekly announcements include advertising our upcoming games on Wednesdays and Saturdays, announcing our scores Sundays, and “Mayhem Mondays” where we announce the player(s) of the game. We also have “non-game” week posts featuring a variety of our upcoming activities.
- Diamond, Platinum, and Gold Sponsors will be featured sponsors in our weekly posts on a rotating basis.
- Bronze and Silver Sponsors will be recognized once per month.
(6) We will be live streaming all our games through our Facebook page. Platinum and Diamond sponsors will be featured as our live streaming partners during our live stream events. Your company logo will be included.
(7) Platinum and Diamond sponsors may have a company made advertisement on our page or we can create on your behalf.
(8) Diamond sponsors will receive individualized reels (video content) on our page. The reels will include such items as “Messages from our Captains”, “Thank You’s from our players”, etc.